This notebook will introduce you to the basic data types and operations that are needed to use EOS.
Importing the module
Before you can begin using EOS, you need to load it into your Python interpreter. We achieve this with the import
import eos
The import statement should go through without any error messages. If there are errors, they might be related to the following issues:
missing Python packages (try to run
!pip3 install -U matplotlib numpy scipy
);you might have forgotten to tell the Python interpreter where you installed EOS to ( this should only happen if you have not installed EOS using
(Almost) Everything can be a Parameter
In EOS we make a lot of use of the eos.Parameter class. It provides access to one real-valued and scalar parameter, among a diverse and large set of parameters. You cannot create an object of type eos.Parameter yourself. Instead, you can create a new set of parameters of the class eos.Parameters, from which the parameter of interest can be extracted, inspected, and altered.
parameters = eos.Parameters()
The variable parameters
now contains all of your parameters. You can use display(parameters)
to see the full list, which is rather lengthy. Let’s have a look at something more manageable: the parameter for the muon mass:
$$m_\mu$$ | (eos.Parameter) |
current value | 0.105658 |
default value | 0.105658 |
Let’s highlight some aspects of this output:
Parameters have a rigid naming scheme, and must contain at least two parts: the prefix part, which is separated by
from the name part.The masses of all fields, elementary or composite, are collected in the
namespace.EOS uses Giga electron Volt (GeV) for all masses, momenta and energies.
A parameter has a current value, and a default value. Both are shown, which makes it easy to see if a parameter has been modified.
Let’s do just that: we can modify the value of the muon mass. This is unlikely to be necessary, since it has been measured to such a high precision, but useful to illustrate how to work with parameters.
m_mu = parameters['mass::mu']
m_mu.set(1.779) # we just made the muon as heavy as the tauon!
$$m_\mu$$ | (eos.Parameter) |
current value | 1.779 |
default value | 0.105658 |
Caution: If you evaluate
m_mu = 1.779
, you will just makem_mu
a double instead of aneos.Parameter
It’s important to understand that the object is not living in “isolation”, it is still part of the same parameter set (parameters
). Accessing the muon mass through parameters again will therefore show the same information as m_mu
, but this time the modified mass value will be included as “current value” .
$$m_\mu$$ | (eos.Parameter) |
current value | 1.779 |
default value | 0.105658 |
Brilliant! But what about if we want or need to have two independent sets of parameters? This could be needed, for example, to compare theory predictions for two different choices of parameters.
more_parameters = eos.Parameters()
$$m_\mu$$ | (eos.Parameter) |
current value | 0.105658 |
default value | 0.105658 |
Very good! We see that each call to eos.Parameters creates an independent set of parameters, which start out with the defaults. You can browse the full list of parameters known to EOS by running display(eos.Parameters())
or by going online to the EOS documentation.
You can access a parameter’s name and LaTeX representation using the name
or latex
method seen below. The value is obtained using the evaluate
You can also treat a Parameter object just like any other Python object. It can be part of a list
, a dict
, or a tuple
lepton_masses = [parameters['mass::' + l] for l in ['e', 'mu', 'tau']]
[display(p) for p in lepton_masses]
translation = { p.latex() for p in lepton_masses}
$$m_e$$ | (eos.Parameter) |
current value | 0.000510999 |
default value | 0.000510999 |
$$m_\mu$$ | (eos.Parameter) |
current value | 1.779 |
default value | 0.105658 |
$$m_\tau$$ | (eos.Parameter) |
current value | 1.77682 |
default value | 1.77682 |
{'mass::e': '$m_e$', 'mass::mu': '$m_\\mu$', 'mass::tau': '$m_\\tau$'}
These properties make it possible to bind a function to an arbitrary number of parameters, let the function evaluate these parameters in a computationally efficient way, and let the user change these parameters at a whim. Parameters are meant to be shared, i.e., a single set of parameters is meant to be used by arbitrary number of functions. The sharing of parameters is cause for the versatility in the EOS use cases.
Kinematics and kinematic variables
EOS makes also plentiful use of the eos.Kinematics class. Objects of this class are used to store a set of real-valued and scalar kinematic variables by name. Contrary to the parameters, there are no default variables or values. This would not make much sense: kinematic variables pertain to a single process. Consequently, naming of kinematic variables does not require a distinction by any sort of prefix
. We will see what kinematic variables a
process requires in a later section. You can create an empty set of kinematic variables as follows:
kinematics = eos.Kinematics()
We can populate this object with a choice of kinematic variables:
We generally use
to denote the square of four momentumq
.We generally use
for the energy of a final state in the rest frame of the respective initial state.We usually parametrize helicity angles via their cosines, e.g.,
. As for parameters, we use powers of GeV as units.
k1 = kinematics.declare('q2', 1.0) # 1 GeV^2
k2 = kinematics.declare('E_pi', 0.139) # 139 MeV, a pion at rest!
k3 = kinematics.declare('cos(theta_pi)', -1.0) # negative values are OK!
q2 | 1.0 |
E_pi | 0.139 |
cos(theta_pi) | -1.0 |
There are two ways to directly create the eos.Kinematics object populated with the variables you need. The first way works if all your kinematic variables names are also valid Python identifiers. (In the above example, cos(...)
is not a valid identifier.)
kinematics = eos.Kinematics(q2=1.0, E_pi=0.139)
q2 | 1.0 |
E_pi | 0.139 |
The second way works also for variable names that are not valid identifiers. It uses Python “keyword arguments”:
kinematics = eos.Kinematics({
'q2': 1.0, 'E_pi': 0.139, 'cos(theta_l)': -1.0
q2 | 1.0 |
E_pi | 0.139 |
cos(theta_l) | -1.0 |
We can extract a kinematic variable from the set using the [...]
k1 = kinematics['q2']
q2 | (eos.KinematicVariable) |
current value | 1.0 |
We can also modify the set by setting the value of an individual kinematic variable:
q2 | 16.0 |
E_pi | 0.139 |
cos(theta_l) | -1.0 |
Kinematic variables and their naming usually pertain to only a single observable. When creating observables, we therefore usually create an independet set of kinematic variables per observable. Nevertheless, it is possible to create observables that have a common set of kinematic variables. This makes it possible to investigate correlations among observables that share a kinematic variable (e.g., LFU ratios such as \(R_K\) as a functions of the lower dilepton momentum cut-off).
Options and what they impact
EOS allows us to modify the behaviour of processes through objects of the eos.Options class. In many cases, the processes have a default set of options, e.g., the process’ default choice of hadronic form factors, its default choice of BSM model, and so on. In some cases, it does not make sense to have a default choice, e.g., when evaluating a single hadronic form factor. In such cases, you will see an error expressed through a Python exception if the mandatory option is not specified by you!
Contrary to parameters and kinematic variables, EOS does not permit to change a process’ options after the creation. To make this abundantly clear: if you change an eos.Options object after it has been used (in, e.g. an observable), none of your modifications to the options will have any effect on the user (again, e.g. an observable)
You can create a new and empty set of options as follows:
options = eos.Options()
We can now populate this object with individual options. Options are pairs of strings. Within each pair, we refer to the first element as the key and to the second element as the value. Typical keys include:
, to select a BSM model;form-factors
, to select the parametrization of the hadronic form factors in semileptonic decays;l
, to select a lepton flavor;q
, to select a quark flavor (typically for a spectator quark).
Option values are specific to both the process and the option key:
can typically take values such asSM
(for the Standard Model),CKM
(to parametrize each CKM matrix element and fit for absolute value or complex phase), andWET
(to parametrize the Wilson coefficients of the Weak Effective Theory);form-factors
can typically take values that identify a single parametrization (e.g.BSZ2015
for a parametrization used in Bharucha, Straub, Zwicky 2015);l
can typically take valuese
can typically take valuesu
, andc
Option keys are specific to a process. Within a Jupyter notebook, EOS displays the known option keys in the rich display of eos.Observables. For each option, we also display the permitted option values.
Adding options to the set can be achieved by the following:
options.declare('model', 'CKM')
options.declare('form-factors', 'BSZ2015')
options.declare('l', 'mu') # Since we are all so "cautiously excited"!
options.declare('q', 's')
form-factors | BSZ2015 |
l | mu |
model | CKM |
q | s |
There are two ways to directly create an eos.Options object populated with the options you need. The first way works if all your option keys are also valid Python identifiers. (In the above example form-factors
is not a valid identifier.)
options = eos.Options(l='mu', q='s', model='CKM')
l | mu |
model | CKM |
q | s |
The second way works also for option keys that are not valid identifiers. It uses Python “keyword arguments”:
options = eos.Options({
'form-factors': 'BSZ2015',
'model': 'WET',
'l': 'tau',
'q': 's'
form-factors | BSZ2015 |
l | tau |
model | WET |
q | s |
Applying what we learned: creating our first Observable
EOS uses the class eos.Observable to provide theory predictions for a variety of processes and their associated observables. A list of all observables known to EOS is available online in the documentation, or via:
# The list is rather long; uncomment the following line by removing the leading '#'
# eos.Observables()
To create an observable, we require:
its name,
a set of parameters that it will be bound to,
a set of kinematic variables that it will be bound to,
a set of options.
observable1 = eos.Observable.make('B_q->ll::BR@Untagged',
eos.Options(model='WET', q='s', l='mu')
observable2 = eos.Observable.make('B->D^*lnu::A_FB',
eos.Kinematics(q2_min=0.02, q2_max=10.67),
B_q->ll::BR@Untagged | (eos.Observable) | |
kinematics | none | |
options | l | mu |
model | WET | |
q | s | |
current value | 3.576e-09 |
B->D^*lnu::A_FB | (eos.Observable) | |
kinematics | q2_min | 0.02 |
q2_max | 10.67 | |
options | l | mu |
current value | 0.1674 |
You can access an observable’s set of parameters through the parameters method:
observable1.parameters() == observable2.parameters()
As you can see, the two observables do not share a common set of parameters, even though all their parameter values are identical. Changes to the parameters of observable1
do not affect observable2
You can also access the set of kinematic variables through the kinematics method:
q2_min | 0.02 |
q2_max | 10.67 |
Finally, you can access the set of options with which an eos.Observable has been constructed through the options method:
l | mu |
model | WET |
q | s |
An observable can be handled just like any other Python object. For example, we can readily create a list of observables that differ only by one of their kinematic variables, e.g. to plot an observable as a function of one of its kinematic variable.
import numpy
parameters = eos.Parameters()
observables = [
eos.Observable.make('B->D^*lnu::A_FB(q2)', parameters, eos.Kinematics(q2=q2), eos.Options())
for q2 in numpy.linspace(1.00, 10.67, 10)
values = [o.evaluate() for o in observables]
With this knowledge, you can now proceed to look at the example use cases in the documentation and the other interactive notebook examples.