List of Parameters
The following is the full list of parameters and their values as used in EOS v1.0.13.
Hadronic Matrix Element Parameters
Parameters in \(B_q \leftrightarrow \bar{B}_q\) Meson Mixing
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(R_1^{B_s\leftrightarrow \bar{B}_s}\) |
0.542 |
\(1\) |
\(R_2^{B_s\leftrightarrow \bar{B}_s}\) |
-0.545 |
\(1\) |
\(R_3^{B_s\leftrightarrow \bar{B}_s}\) |
0.109 |
\(1\) |
\(R_4^{B_s\leftrightarrow \bar{B}_s}\) |
0.9125 |
\(1\) |
\(R_5^{B_s\leftrightarrow \bar{B}_s}\) |
0.48625 |
\(1\) |
Masses used in BSZ-like Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(m_{\pi^0}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.135 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\pi^\pm}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.135 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K_d}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.492 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K_u}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.492 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^\pm}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
1.87 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^0}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
1.867 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_s}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
1.968 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\rho^\pm}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.7751 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\rho^0}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.7751 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\omega}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.7827 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\phi}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
1.02 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_d}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.279 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_u}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.279 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_s}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.366 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_c}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
6.2751 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K^{0*}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.896 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K^{\pm*}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
0.896 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^{\pm*}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
2.0103 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^{0*}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
2.0103 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_s^*}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
2.1121 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B^*}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.325 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B^*}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.325 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_s^*}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.415 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_c^*}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
6.3311 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_{s,0}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
2.318 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{d,0}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.54 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{u,0}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.54 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{s,0}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.63 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{c,0}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
6.42 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_{s,1}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
2.46 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{d,1}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.724 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{u,1}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.724 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{s,1}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
5.829 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_c^*}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
6.7671 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda}^\mathrm{BMRvD}\) |
1.115683 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda_c}^\mathrm{BMRvD}\) |
2.2865 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda_b}^\mathrm{BMRvD}\) |
5.61951 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
Parameters in \(B\to P\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(f_+^{B\to \pi}(0)\) |
0.307 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+, 1}^{B\to \pi}\) |
-1.31 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+, 2}^{B\to \pi}\) |
-0.904 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+, 3}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+, 4}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0, 1}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0, 2}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0, 3}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0, 4}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0, 5}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{B\to \pi}_T(0)\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T, 1}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T, 2}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T, 3}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T, 4}^{B\to \pi}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,0}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.1959500850585235 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,1}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.7763565146997043 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,2}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.19660537219243024 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,1}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.01446803146697799 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,2}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.19529667411047308 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,0}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.17311654822482725 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,1}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.40903716524130396 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,2}^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.2580355775883392 |
\(1\) |
\(f_+^{B_s\to \pi}(0)\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f_+^{B\to \eta}(0)\) |
0.168 |
\(1\) |
\(f_+^{B_s\to \eta}(0)\) |
0.212 |
\(1\) |
\(f_+^{B\to \eta^\prime}(0)\) |
0.13 |
\(1\) |
\(f_+^{B_s\to \eta^\prime}(0)\) |
0.252 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{f+,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{f+,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{f+,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{f+,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{f+,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{f0,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{f0,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{f0,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{f0,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{f0,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{fT,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{fT,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{fT,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{fT,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{fT,B \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(t_+^{B\to K}\) |
33.304441 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_0^{B\to K}\) |
14.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_+^{B\to K}(0)\) |
0.332 |
\(1\) |
\(f_+^{B\to K}(0)\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f_T^{B\to K}(0)\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+,2}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0,2}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0,3}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T,2}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,0}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.32908992854636815 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.8669465867427438 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,2}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.006095669673341246 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.19511719957037596 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,2}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.4461264576740431 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,0}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.2993831492500477 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.7735456824025474 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,2}^{B \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.009554375102511888 |
\(1\) |
\(F_+^{B\to K,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.34 |
\(1\) |
\(F_t^{B\to K,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.39 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-2.1 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-4.3 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{t,1}^{B \to K,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-2.2 |
\(1\) |
\(f_+^{B_s\to K}\) |
0.3 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,0}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,1}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,2}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,1}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,2}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,0}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,1}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,2}^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{f+,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{f+,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{f+,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{f+,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{f+,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{f0,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{f0,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{f0,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{f0,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{f0,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{fT,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{fT,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{fT,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{fT,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{fT,B_s \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(t_0^{B_s\to K}\) |
14.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_+^{B_s\to K^*}\) |
34.346398 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(f_+^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}(0)\) |
0.66 |
\(1\) |
\(f_T^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}(0)\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+,1}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
-4.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{+,2}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
-0.8 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0,1}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.4 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0,2}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
-1.2 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{0,3}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T,1}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T,2}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BCL2008}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,0}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.680881482963591 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,1}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-2.221782088112512 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,2}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.6541000835887975 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,1}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.5779088408438552 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,2}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.3271162015486215 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,0}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.5648201165054019 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,1}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-2.5027753865334676 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,2}^{B \to D,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
10.591752810763625 |
\(1\) |
\(n_f\) |
2.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(t_0^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
6.1848725 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(a_{+,0}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{+,1}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{+,2}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{+,3}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,3}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T,0}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T,1}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T,2}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T,3}^{B\to D,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,0}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,1}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{+,2}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,1}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{0,2}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,0}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,1}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T,2}^{B_s \to D_s,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
Parameters in \(B\to V\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(V^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.36 |
\(1\) |
\(A_0^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.29 |
\(1\) |
\(A_1^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.25 |
\(1\) |
\(A_2^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.23 |
\(1\) |
\(T_1^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.31 |
\(1\) |
\(T_2^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.31 |
\(1\) |
\(T_3^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}(0)\) |
0.22 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{V,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-4.8 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{A_0,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-18.2 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{A_1,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
0.34 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{A_2,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-0.85 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T_1,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-4.6 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T_2,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-3.2 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{T_3,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{KMPW2010}}\) |
-10.3 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,0}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.362963 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,1}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.362957 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,2}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
8.02781 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,0}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.223059 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,1}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.239792 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,2}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.76787 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},1}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.11596 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},2}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
3.42926 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,0}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.278079 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,1}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.819609 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,2}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
5.07652 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,0}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.236867 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,1}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.74862 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,2}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.49014 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,1}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.31254 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,2}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.58141 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},0}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.603261 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},1}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.39992 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},2}^{B_s \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
9.64299 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,0}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.327866 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,1}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.826659 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,2}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.42113 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,0}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.242567 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,1}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.342791 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,2}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0926204 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},1}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.65589 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},2}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.277567 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,0}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.304239 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,1}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.832336 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,2}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.71741 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,0}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.25137 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,1}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.715314 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,2}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.41463 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,1}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.412936 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,2}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.460141 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},0}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.682582 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},1}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.64618 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},2}^{B \to \omega,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.4695 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,0}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.2925336490766787 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,1}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.7432269609691062 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,2}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.013648222902133517 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,0}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.2142700210705677 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,1}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.4948341716573042 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,2}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.5898416575860281 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},1}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.5301085432518904 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},2}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.1698995165626285 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,0}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.2712565197401259 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,1}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.4925853027266176 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,2}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-1.1971343036772617 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,0}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.2375503875107005 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,1}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.45934079379480375 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,2}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.8719619977491347 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,1}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.648543608510588 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,2}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.8367381225762223 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},0}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.558651527683086 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},1}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.9756780226625973 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},2}^{B \to \rho,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.617057014268725 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,0}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.333565209671414 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-1.1164087925500106 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,2}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.497069832700105 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,0}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.28899504979162 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.4566061262798284 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,2}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.1829764611868705 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.5041466779610547 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},2}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.523751990094357 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,0}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.3641736466070142 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-1.0924590752515513 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,2}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.5954783573262934 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,0}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.31922162296608125 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.9539833567723242 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,2}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.040771175053964 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.6020794846388718 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,2}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.699282551872677 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},0}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.6058860992660229 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},1}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.8867716020286049 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},2}^{B \to K^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.8831160249369858 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{V,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{V,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{V,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{V,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{V,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{A0,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{A0,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{A0,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{A0,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{A0,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{A1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{A1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{A1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{A1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{A1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{A12,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{A12,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{A12,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{A12,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{A12,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{T1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{T1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{T1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{T1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{T1,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{T2,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{T2,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{T2,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{T2,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{T2,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{T23,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{T23,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{T23,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{T23,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{T23,B \to K^*,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(t_+^{A, B\to K^*}\) |
34.880836 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_+^{V, B\to K^*}\) |
33.304441 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_0^{B\to K^*}\) |
11.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,0}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.388675 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,1}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.783874 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,2}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.41473 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,0}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.295607 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,1}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.483914 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,2}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.291817 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},1}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.764562 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},2}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.711083 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,0}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.386556 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,1}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-1.02957 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,2}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
3.50499 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,0}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.309106 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,1}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.867808 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,2}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.74535 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,1}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.58328 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,2}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.893065 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},0}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.675618 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},1}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
2.11435 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},2}^{B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
4.93525 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_0^{V,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{V,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{V,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{V,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{V,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{A0,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{A0,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{A0,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{A0,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{A0,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{A1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{A1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{A1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{A1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{A1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{A12,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{A12,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{A12,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{A12,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{A12,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{T1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{T1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{T1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{T1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{T1,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{T2,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{T2,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{T2,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{T2,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{T2,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{T23,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{T23,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{T23,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{T23,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{T23,B_s \to \phi,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(t_+^{A, B_s\to\phi}\) |
34.880836 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_+^{V, B_s\to\phi}\) |
33.304441 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_0^{B_s\to\phi}\) |
11.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,0}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.6759274184148141 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,1}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-2.6637000799846655 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,2}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
9.24495323738047 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,0}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.601315572767782 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,1}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.2689438444495897 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,2}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
10.486032487112988 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},1}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.14876383294863582 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},2}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
5.724359813703122 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,0}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.6851323923652662 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,1}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-1.1678379355866901 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,2}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-4.016847943717434 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,0}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.6302298493900512 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,1}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-1.4175767766320952 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,2}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
-0.6878528871949201 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,1}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
1.5226848746033717 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,2}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.006625613047247359 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},0}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.806230464649646 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},1}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.5855443911134184 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},2}^{B \to D^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
4.667079193615467 |
\(1\) |
\(t_0^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
5.6417164 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(a_{g,0}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{g,1}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{g,2}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{g,3}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{f,0}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{f,1}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{f,2}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{f,3}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_1,0}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_1,1}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_1,2}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_1,3}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_2,0}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_2,1}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_2,2}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{F_2,3}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_1,0}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_1,1}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_1,2}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_1,3}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_2,0}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_2,1}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_2,2}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_2,3}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_{23},0}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_{23},1}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_{23},2}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{T_{23},3}^{B\to D^*,\mathrm{BGL97}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,0}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,1}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_0,2}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,0}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,1}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_1,2}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},1}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{A_{12},2}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,0}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,1}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{V,2}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,0}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,1}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_1,2}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,1}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_2,2}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},0}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},1}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{T_{23},2}^{B_s \to D_s^*,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,1,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.0156 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,1,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.033 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,1,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.003 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,2,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.186 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,2,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.39 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,2,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.17 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,3,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.186 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,3,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.47 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,3,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.8 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,4,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.0222 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,4,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.061 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\omega,4,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.125 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,1,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.0557 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,1,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.115 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,1,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.01 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,2,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.676 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,2,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
1.34 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,2,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.6 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,3,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.676 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,3,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
1.58 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,3,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-2.5 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,4,0}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.0795 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,4,1}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
0.209 |
\(1\) |
\(N_{\rho,4,2}^{B \to \gamma^*,\mathrm{KKvDZ2022}}\) |
-0.44 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{1,0}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{1,1}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{1,2}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{2,0}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{2,1}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{2,2}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{3,0}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{3,1}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{3,2}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{4,0}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{4,1}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(c_{4,2}^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_0^{B \to \gamma^*}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
Parameters in \(B\to \gamma\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{B \to \gamma, \mathrm{FLvD2022QCDF}}\) |
1.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(M^{B \to \gamma, \mathrm{FLvD2022QCDF}}\) |
1.25 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(s_0^{B \to \gamma, \mathrm{FLvD2022QCDF}}\) |
1.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu_{h1}^{B \to \gamma, \mathrm{FLvD2022QCDF}}\) |
4.8 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_{h2}^{B \to \gamma, \mathrm{FLvD2022QCDF}}\) |
4.8 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
Parameters in \(B\to PP\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(a_{\perp,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{\perp,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\perp,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\perp,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\perp,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\perp,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\perp,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\perp,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\perp,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\perp,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\perp,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\perp,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\perp,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\perp,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\perp,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{\parallel,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{\parallel,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{\parallel,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{\parallel,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{\parallel,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{\parallel,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{\parallel,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\parallel,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\parallel,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\parallel,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\parallel,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\parallel,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\parallel,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{\parallel,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\parallel,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\parallel,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\parallel,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\parallel,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\parallel,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\parallel,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{\parallel,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{0,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{0,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{0,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{0,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{0,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{0,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{0,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{0,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{0,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{0,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{0,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{0,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{0,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{0,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{0,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{0,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{0,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{0,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{0,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{0,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{0,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{t,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{t,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{t,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{t,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{t,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{t,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{t,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{t,0,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{t,0,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{t,0,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{t,0,3}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{t,1,0}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{t,1,1}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c_{t,1,2}^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{FvDV2018}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Parameters in LCSR Calculations with Light-Meson LCDAs
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\zeta\mathrm{(NNLO)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(M^2\,\mathrm{(LCSR)}\) |
16.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(M^2\,\mathrm{(SVZSR)}\) |
5.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B \to \pi,\mathrm{DKMMO2008}}\) |
3.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(s_0^{f_+}(q^2 = 0)\) |
35.75 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0'^{f_+}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0''^{f_+}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{f_0}(q^2 = 0)\) |
36.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0'^{f_0}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0''^{f_0}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{f_T}(q^2 = 0)\) |
35.75 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0'^{f_T}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0''^{f_T}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{f_B}\) |
35.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\zeta\mathrm{(NNLO)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(M^2\,\mathrm{(LCSR)}\) |
16.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(M^2\,\mathrm{(SVZSR)}\) |
5.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B_s \to K,\mathrm{DKMMO2008}}\) |
3.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(s_0^{f_+}(q^2 = 0)\) |
35.75 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0'^{f_+}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0''^{f_+}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{f_0}(q^2 = 0)\) |
36.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0'^{f_0}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0''^{f_0}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{f_T}(q^2 = 0)\) |
35.75 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0'^{f_T}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0''^{f_T}(q^2 = 0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{f_B}\) |
35.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\((M^2)^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
Parameters in LCSR Calculations with B-meson LCDAs
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(s_{0_{+,0} }^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{+,1} }^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,0} }^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,1} }^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T,0} }^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T,1} }^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B \to \pi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{+,0} }^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.05 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{+,1} }^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,0} }^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.05 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,1} }^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T,0} }^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.05 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T,1} }^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{+,0} }^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.05 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{+,1} }^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,0} }^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.05 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,1} }^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T,0} }^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.05 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T,1} }^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B_s \to K, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{+,0} }^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
6.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{+,1} }^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,0} }^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
6.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,1} }^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T,0} }^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
6.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T,1} }^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
4.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B \to D, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
2.1213 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{+,0} }^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
6.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{+,1} }^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,0} }^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
6.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{\pm,1} }^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T,0} }^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
6.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T,1} }^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
4.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B_s \to D_s, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
2.1213 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,0} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,1} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,0} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,1} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},0} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},1} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{V,0} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{V,1} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,0} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,1} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},0} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},1} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},0} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.6 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},1} }^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B \to \rho \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,0}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,1}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,0}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,1}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},0}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},1}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{V,0}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{V,1}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,0}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,1}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},0}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},1}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},0}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},1}}^{B \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B \to K^* \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B \to K^* \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,0}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,1}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,0}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,1}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},0}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},1}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{V,0}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{V,1}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,0}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,1}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},0}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},1}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},0}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},1}}^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B_s \to K^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,0}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,1}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,0}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,1}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},0}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},1}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{V,0}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{V,1}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,0}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,1}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},0}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},1}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},0}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},1}}^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
4.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B \to D^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
2.1213 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,0}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,1}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,0}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,1}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},0}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},1}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{V,0}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{V,1}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,0}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,1}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},0}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},1}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},0}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
8.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},1}}^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
4.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B_s \to D_s^*, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
2.1213 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,0} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_1,1} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,0} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_2,1} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},0} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{A_{30},1} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{V,0} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{V,1} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,0} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_1,1} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},0} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23A},1} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},0} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.7 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_{0_{T_{23B},1} }^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\((M^2)^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu^{B_s \to \phi, \mathrm{(B-LCSR)}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
Dispersive bounds in the OPE for b -> s currents
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\chi_V^{J=0}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.0142 |
\(1\) |
\(\chi_V^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.00068 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\chi_A^{J=0}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.0157 |
\(1\) |
\(\chi_A^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.00064 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\chi_T^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.000455 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\chi_{T_5}^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.000424 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
Dispersive bounds in the OPE for c -> s currents
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\chi_V^{J=0}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.0138 |
\(1\) |
\(\chi_V^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.00935 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\chi_A^{J=0}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.0251 |
\(1\) |
\(\chi_A^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.00603 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\chi_T^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.00689 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\chi_{T_5}^{J=1}|{}_\textrm{OPE}\) |
0.00541 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
Parameters in \(D\to P\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\alpha_{f+,0}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,1}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,2}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,0}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,1}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,2}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,0}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,1}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,2}^{D \to \pi,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,0}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,1}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,2}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,0}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,1}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,2}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,0}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,1}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,2}^{D_s \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{f+,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{f+,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{f+,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{f+,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{f+,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{f0,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{f0,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{f0,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{f0,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{f0,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{fT,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{fT,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{fT,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{fT,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{fT,D \to K,\mathrm{BFW2010}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(t_+^{D\to K^*}\) |
5.56488 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_0^{D\to K}\) |
1.04 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,0}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,1}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f+,2}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,0}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,1}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{f0,2}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,0}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,1}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{fT,2}^{D \to K,\mathrm{BSZ2015}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
Parameters in \({}^1/_2{}^+ \to {}^1/_2{}^+\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(f_0^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}(0)\) |
0.28 |
\(1\) |
\(b_{1,0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
-11.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(f_0^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}(0)\) |
0.27 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{1,0}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
-8.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(f_{\perp}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}(0)\) |
0.28 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{1,\perp}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
-11.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(f_{\perp}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}(0)\) |
0.3 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b_{1,\perp}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
-6.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\sigma_{\perp}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\sigma_{\perp}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\sigma_{0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\sigma_{0}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BFvD2014}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.373 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.939 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.403 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-1.029 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.422 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-1.139 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.518 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-1.35 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.356 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-1.061 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-1.136 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.496 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-1.128 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.388 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.962 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.34 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.77 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.801 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,3}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,3}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,3}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,3}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,3}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,3}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,3}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,3}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,3}^{V,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,3}^{A,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,3}^{T,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,3}^{T5,\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{DM2016}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(t_+^{A, \Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
33.327529 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(t_+^{V, \Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
33.327529 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(t_0^{\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
20.284457646 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(a_1^{t,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.4896605330254244 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{t,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.5911436400432727 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{t,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{t,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{0,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0970706117909448 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{0,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.20575657000390518 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{0,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.25919997450741056 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{0,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{0,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\perp,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.17003698967164574 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\perp,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.28214533680157095 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\perp,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.41966553547525054 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\perp,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\perp,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{t,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.6331868983113765 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{t,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.7383188104767887 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{t,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{t,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{0,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.09945446605295541 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{0,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.2671743834190154 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{0,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.29833216513104743 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{0,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{0,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\perp,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.5570315792575746 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\perp,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.6774966813204484 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\perp,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\perp,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{0,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.06801094642008053 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{0,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.08249464693203802 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{0,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.06002298912894147 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{0,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{0,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\perp,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.32440585925329807 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\perp,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.383016678864083 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\perp,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\perp,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{0,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.5425990441545133 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{0,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.5805380689598787 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{0,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{0,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\perp,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.1352023399864286 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\perp,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.3800478173547997 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\perp,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.4226660980547705 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\perp,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\perp,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(t_+^{A, \Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
6.26 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(t_+^{V, \Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
5.6027 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(t_0^{\Lambda_c \to \Lambda ,\mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
3.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{t}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{0}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{V}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{A}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{\mathrm{perp}, \mathrm{T5}, \Lambda_c\to\Lambda, \mathrm{BMRvD2022}}\) |
-0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.74392566003686 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.6476511382467 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,0}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.73960499809758 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,1}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.3664554520299 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{t,2}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.81458549275845 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.8987680713973 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
1.077996185173 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-6.4170836206134 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.6846557018386 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.4311552783827 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.4633624514401 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.97518189850197 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-5.4999842229709 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,0}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.70539533108116 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.3577976693726 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,0}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.67275080357035 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,1}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.4321757873186 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{0,2}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,1}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
-4.4927847697461 |
\(1\) |
\(a_{\perp,2}^{T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c ,\mathrm{DKMR2017}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
Parameters of the Heavy Quark Expansion of Heavy-to-Heavy Form Factors
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(n_f\) |
2.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
5.313 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(1)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(2)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(3)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(4)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(5)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(1)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(2)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(1)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(2)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\eta(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\eta^{(1)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\eta^{(2)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l_1(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(1)}_1(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(2)}_1(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(1)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(2)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(1)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(2)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l_4(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(1)}_4(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(2)}_4(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l_5(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(1)}_5(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(2)}_5(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l_6(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(1)}_6(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(2)}_6(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(n_s\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a\) |
5.403 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(a\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(s,1)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(s,2)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(s,3)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(s,4)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\xi^{(s,5)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(s)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(s,1)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(s,2)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(s,1)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\chi^{(s,2)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\eta^{(s)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\eta^{(s,1)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\eta^{(s,2)}(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s)}_1(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,1)}_1(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,2)}_1(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,1)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,2)}_2(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,1)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,2)}_3(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s)}_4(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,1)}_4(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,2)}_4(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s)}_5(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,1)}_5(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,2)}_5(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s)}_6(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,1)}_6(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(l^{(s,2)}_6(1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\zeta(q^2_{\mathrm{max}})\) |
0.013054 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\rho\) |
0.05 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\delta_{3b}\) |
0.007087 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\rho_{3b}\) |
0.05 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Parameters in \({}^1/_2{}^+ \to {}^1/_2{}^+\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(a_0^{t12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{t12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{t12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{t12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{t12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{t12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{t12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{t12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{t12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{t12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{t12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{t12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{t12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{t12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{t12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{t12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{t12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{t12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{t12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{t12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{012,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{012,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{012,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{012,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{012,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{012,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{012,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{012,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{012,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{012,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{012,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{012,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{012,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{012,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{012,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{012,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{012,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{012,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{012,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{012,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp12,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp12,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp12,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp12,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp32,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp32,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp32,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp32,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp32,V,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp32,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp32,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp32,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp32,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp32,A,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp32,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp32,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp32,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp32,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp32,T,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_0^{perp32,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1^{perp32,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2^{perp32,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3^{perp32,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4^{perp32,T5,\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) ,\mathrm{ABR2022}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
Parameters in Non-Local Matrix Elements for \(B\to P\) and \(B\to V\) transitions
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{b \to s c \bar{c}}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_c^{b \to s c \bar{c}}\) |
2.56 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(t_0\) |
4.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(t_s\) |
-17.4724 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\chi_{\mathrm{OPE}}\) |
0.000181 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\mathcal{B}(b\to sc\bar{c})\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\delta\mathcal{B}(b\to sc\bar{c})\) |
0.1 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,1}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,2}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,3}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,4}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,5}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,1}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,2}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,3}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,4}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,5}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,1}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,2}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,3}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,4}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,5}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,1}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,2}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,3}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,4}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,5}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,1}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,2}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,3}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,4}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,5}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,1}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,2}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,3}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,4}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,5}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\perp 0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\perp 0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\parallel 0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\parallel 0}^{B\to K^*c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,0}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,1}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,2}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,3}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,4}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\perp,5}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,0}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,1}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,2}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,3}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,4}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\perp,5}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,0}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,1}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,2}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,3}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,4}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{\parallel,5}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,0}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,1}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,2}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,3}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,4}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{\parallel,5}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,0}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,1}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,2}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,3}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,4}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{0,5}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,0}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,1}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,2}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,3}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,4}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{0,5}^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\perp^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_\parallel^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_0^{B_s\to \phi c\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\perp 0}^{B_s\to phic\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\perp 0}^{B_s\to phic\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\parallel 0}^{B_s\to phic\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_{\parallel 0}^{B_s\to phic\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{+,0}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{+,1}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{+,2}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{+,3}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{+,4}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{+,5}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \alpha_{+,6}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{+,0}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{+,1}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{+,2}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{+,3}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{+,4}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{+,5}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \alpha_{+,6}^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m7)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m5)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m3)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(m1)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(t0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Abs}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(Jpsi)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Arg}\, \hat{\mathcal{H}}_+^{B\to Kc\bar{c}}(psi2S)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Parameters for form factor values appearing in non-leptonic class-I B decays
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(f_0^{B \to D}(q^2 = M_K^2)\) |
0.672 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(A_0^{B \to D}(q^2 = M_K^2)\) |
0.708 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(f_0^{B_s \to D_s}(q^2 = M_\pi^2)\) |
0.673 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(A_0^{B_s \to D_s^*}(q^2 = M_\pi^2)\) |
0.689 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Miscellaneous Form Factor Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\Delta\xi_{\perp}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\Delta\xi_{\parallel}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{B \to \pi\pi,\mathrm{BFvD2016}}\) |
1.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(r_{\perp,0}^{\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{MvD2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(r_{\perp,1}^{\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{MvD2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(r_{\parallel,0}^{\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{MvD2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(r_{\parallel,1}^{\Lambda_b \to \Lambda \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{MvD2016}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mu^{\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c , \mathrm{ZRSR}}\) |
0.75 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(wM^{\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c , \mathrm{ZRSR}}\) |
0.75 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\Delta A_0^{B \to K^* \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\Delta A_{\parallel}^{B \to K^* \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\Delta A_{\perp}^{B \to K^* \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\Delta A_0^{B_s \to \phi \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\Delta A_{\parallel}^{B_s \to \phi \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\Delta A_{\perp}^{B_s \to \phi \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\Lambda_P^{B \to P \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(sl_P^{B \to P \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LargeRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\Lambda_P^{B \to P \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(sl_P^{B \to P \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\Lambda^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\Lambda_0^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\Lambda_{\parallel}^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\Lambda_{\perp}^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(sl^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(sl_0^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(sl_{\parallel}^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(sl_{\perp}^{B \to V \ell^+\ell^- , \mathrm{LowRecoil}}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Parameters in 2->2 scattering amplitudes
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(m_{\pi^+}^\mathrm{GMKPRDEY}\) |
0.13957 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K^+}^\mathrm{GMKPRDEY}\) |
0.496 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\eta}^\mathrm{GMKPRDEY}\) |
0.54751 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\rho^0}^\mathrm{GMKPRDEY}\) |
0.7736 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{f_2}^\mathrm{GMKPRDEY}\) |
1.2754 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(B_0^{(S0)}\) |
7.26 |
\(1\) |
\(B_1^{(S0)}\) |
-25.3 |
\(1\) |
\(B_2^{(S0)}\) |
-33.1 |
\(1\) |
\(B_3^{(S0)}\) |
-26.6 |
\(1\) |
\(d_0^{(S0)}\) |
3.96364 |
\(1\) |
\(c^{(S0)}\) |
-11.5192 |
\(1\) |
\(B^{(S0)}\) |
1.64061 |
\(1\) |
\(C^{(S0)}\) |
0.705113 |
\(1\) |
\(D^{(S0)}\) |
-1.51669 |
\(1\) |
\(B_0^{(P)}\) |
1.055 |
\(1\) |
\(B_1^{(P)}\) |
0.15 |
\(1\) |
\(\lambda_1^{(P)}\) |
1.57 |
\(1\) |
\(\lambda_2^{(P)}\) |
-1.96 |
\(1\) |
\(B_0^{(D0)}\) |
12.47 |
\(1\) |
\(B_1^{(D0)}\) |
10.12 |
\(1\) |
\(B_{h1}^{(D0)}\) |
43.7 |
\(1\) |
\(s_M^{(S0)}\) |
0.7225 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{(P)}\) |
1.1025 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_0^{(D0)}\) |
1.1025 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(s_h^{(D0)}\) |
2.1025 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(n^{(S0)}\) |
8.0 |
\(1\) |
\(n^{(P)}\) |
0.75 |
\(1\) |
\(n^{(D0)}\) |
10.0 |
\(1\) |
Parameters in \(0\to PP\) Form Factor Parametrizations
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(b^{(+,I+1)}_1\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_2\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_3\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_4\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_5\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_6\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_7\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_8\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(b^{(+,I=1)}_9\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(M_{\rho}^{(+,I=1)}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\Gamma_{\rho}^{(+,I=1)}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(t_0^\textrm{KKRvD2024}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Nonleptonic Amplitudes Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,C\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,A\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,E\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,T_{ES}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,T_{AS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,T_S\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,T_{PA}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,T_P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,T_{SS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,S\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_C\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_{TA}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_A\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_{TE}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_{AS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_{SS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,P_{ES}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,C\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,A\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,E\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,T_{ES}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,T_{AS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,T_S\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,T_{PA}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,T_P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,T_{SS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,S\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_C\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_{TA}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_A\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_{TE}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_{AS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_{SS}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,P_{ES}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,A_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,C_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,A_6^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,C_6^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,A_{15}^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,C_{15}^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,B_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,B_6^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,B_{15}^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,D_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,A_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,C_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,A_6^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,C_6^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,A_{15}^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,C_{15}^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,B_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,B_6^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,B_{15}^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,D_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,A_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,C_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,A_6^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,C_6^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,A_{15}^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,C_{15}^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,B_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,B_6^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,B_{15}^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,D_3^T\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,A_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,C_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,A_6^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,C_6^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,A_{15}^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,C_{15}^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,B_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,B_6^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,B_{15}^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,D_3^P\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_1\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_2\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_1\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_2\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S1}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S2}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_3^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_3^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_4^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_4^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_3^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_3^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_4^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_4^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S3}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S3}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S4}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S4}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_{3,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_{3,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_{4,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,\alpha_{4,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{3,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{3,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S3,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S3,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{4,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{4,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S4,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\,b_{S4,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_1\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_2\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_1\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_2\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S1}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S2}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_3^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_3^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_4^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_4^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_3^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_3^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_4^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_4^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S3}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S3}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S4}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S4}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_{3,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_{3,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_{4,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,\alpha_{4,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{3,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{3,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S3,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S3,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{4,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{4,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S4,EW}^u\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\,b_{S4,EW}^c\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
Hadron Property Parameters
Pseudoscalar Meson Masses
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(m_{\pi^0}\) |
0.1349768 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\pi^\pm}\) |
0.13957039 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\eta}\) |
0.547862 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\eta^\prime}\) |
0.95778 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K^0}\) |
0.497611 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K^\pm}\) |
0.493677 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^\pm}\) |
1.86965 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^\pm}\) |
1.86965 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^0}\) |
1.86483 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^0}\) |
1.86483 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_s}\) |
1.96834 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_{s,0}}\) |
2.318 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B^0}\) |
5.27965 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B^\pm}\) |
5.27934 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B^0_s}\) |
5.36688 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_c^\pm}\) |
6.27447 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{s,0}}\) |
5.711 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
Vector Meson Masses
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(m_{\rho^\pm}\) |
0.77511 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\rho^0}\) |
0.77526 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\omega}\) |
0.78266 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\phi}\) |
1.019461 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K^{0*}}\) |
0.89555 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{K^{\pm*}}\) |
0.89166 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^{\pm*}}\) |
2.01026 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D^{0*}}\) |
2.00685 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_s^*}\) |
2.1122 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{D_{s,1}}^\mathrm{BSZ}\) |
2.46 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B^*}\) |
5.3247 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_s^*}\) |
5.4154 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{B_{s,1}}\) |
5.75 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{J/\psi}\) |
3.0969 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\psi(2S)}\) |
3.6861 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\psi(3770)}\) |
3.7737 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\psi(4040)}\) |
4.039 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\psi(4160)}\) |
4.191 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\psi(4415)}\) |
4.421 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
Baryon Masses
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(m_{\Lambda}\) |
1.115683 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda(1520)}\) |
1.518 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda_c}\) |
2.28646 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda_c(2625)}\) |
2.62811 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda_c(2595)}\) |
2.59225 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_{\Lambda_b}\) |
5.6196 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
Decay Constants
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(f_{\bar{B}^0}\) |
0.1905 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{B^-}\) |
0.1894 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{B}_s^0}\) |
0.2307 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{B_c^\pm}\) |
0.434 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{B}^*}\) |
0.1864 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{B}_s^*}\) |
0.2231 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{B}_s^{*,T}}\) |
0.236 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{B}_{s,0}}\) |
0.25 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{B}_{s,1}}\) |
0.305 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{B}_{s,1}^T}\) |
0.285 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{K}^0}\) |
0.1561 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{K^-}\) |
0.1561 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{K}}\) |
0.1561 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{K}^{*0}}\) |
0.204 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{K^{*-}}\) |
0.204 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_\pi\) |
0.1302 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_\eta\) |
0.1176 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\eta^\prime}\) |
0.049 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{J/\psi}\) |
0.2773 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\psi(2S)}\) |
0.198 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\rho}\) |
0.213 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\phi}\) |
0.233 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{D^-}\) |
0.2127 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{D^0}\) |
0.2116 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{D_s^-}\) |
0.2499 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{D^{*-}}\) |
0.242 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{D}_d^{*,T}}\) |
0.3 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{D^{*0}}\) |
0.242 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{D_s^{*0}}\) |
0.293 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{D}_s^{*,T}}\) |
0.25 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{D}_{s,0}}\) |
0.25 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{D}_{s,1}}\) |
0.25 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f_{\bar{D}_{s,1}^T}\) |
0.25 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(g_{B^*B\pi}\) |
30.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Fragmentation Fraction Ratios
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\frac{f_s}{f_d}(7 \, \mathrm{TeV})\) |
0.239 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\frac{f_s}{f_d}(8\, \mathrm{TeV})\) |
0.2385 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\frac{f_s}{f_d}(13\, \mathrm{TeV})\) |
0.2539 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Mean Meson Lifetimes
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\tau_{K^\pm}\) |
1.238e-08 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{D^+}\) |
1.033e-12 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{D_s^*}\) |
7.892e-21 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{D^0}\) |
4.103e-13 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{D_s}\) |
5.04e-13 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{D_s^*}\) |
9.4e-18 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{B_d}\) |
1.519e-12 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{B_u}\) |
1.641e-12 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{B_s}\) |
1.516e-12 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{B_c}\) |
5.1e-13 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{B(\Upsilon(4S))}\) |
1.58e-12 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\Delta \Gamma_{B_d}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{s}^{-1}\) |
\(\Delta \Gamma_{B_s}\) |
84000000000.0 |
\(\textrm{s}^{-1}\) |
\(y_{B_s}\) |
0.0675 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\phi_{B_s}\) |
-0.05 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Mean Baryon Lifetimes
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\tau_{\Lambda_b}\) |
1.471e-12 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
\(\tau_{\Lambda_c}\) |
2.015e-13 |
\(\textrm{s}\) |
Parameters for Miscellanous Meson Properties
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\theta_{18}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
Parameters for Miscellaneous Baryon Properties
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\alpha_{-}^{\Lambda}\) |
0.642 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_{-}^{\Lambda_c}\) |
-0.78 |
\(1\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
0.06 |
\(1\) |
Parameters in Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(a^{\pi}_2(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.16 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{\pi}_4(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.04 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{\pi}_3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0045 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\omega^{\pi}_3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
-1.5 |
\(1\) |
\(\omega^{\pi}_4(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.2 |
\(1\) |
\((\delta^{\pi})^2(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.18 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(a^{\rho}_{2, \parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.17 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{\rho}_{4, \parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{\rho}_{\parallel}\) |
0.213 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{\rho}_{2, \perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.14 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{\rho}_{4, \perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{\rho}_{\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.16 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{K}_1(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
-0.07 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_2(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.24 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_4(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{K}_3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0045 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\omega^{K}_3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
-1.5 |
\(1\) |
\(\lambda^{K}_3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
1.6 |
\(1\) |
\(\omega^{K}_4(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.2 |
\(1\) |
\((\delta^{K})^2(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.18 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{1,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.06 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{2,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.16 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{K^*}_{\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.204 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{1,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.04 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{2,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.1 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{K^*}_{\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.159 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{1,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.06 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{2,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.16 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{3,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{4,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{K^*}_{\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.204 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{1,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.04 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{2,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.1 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{3,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K^*}_{4,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{K^*}_{\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.159 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{phi}_{1,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{phi}_{2,\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.23 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{phi}_{\parallel}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.233 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{phi}_{1,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{phi}_{2,\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.14 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{phi}_{\perp}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.191 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a^{K}_{1}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.06 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_{2}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.25 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_{4}(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
-0.015 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_{1}(2.2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.048 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_{2}(2.2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.174 |
\(1\) |
\(a^{K}_{4}(2.2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
-0.0089 |
\(1\) |
\(f^{K^*}_{\parallel}\) |
0.217 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f^{K^*}_{\perp}(2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.173 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f^{phi}_{\parallel}\) |
0.233 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(f^{phi}_{\perp}(2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.191 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(1/\lambda_{B,+}\) |
2.1739 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-1}\) |
\(\bar\Lambda\) |
0.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\lambda_E^2\) |
0.03 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\lambda_H^2\) |
0.06 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\omega_0\) |
0.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_0\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(a_0\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_1\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_2\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_3\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_4\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_5\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_6\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_7\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(a_8\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(1/\lambda_{B_s,+}\) |
2.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-1}\) |
\(\lambda_E^2(B_s)\) |
0.03 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\lambda_H^2(B_s)\) |
0.06 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
Parameters in the Heavy Quark Expansion
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\lambda_1\) |
-0.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\lambda_2\) |
0.12 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu_\pi^2(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.45 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\mu_G^2(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.35 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\rho_D^3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^3\) |
\(\rho_{LS}^3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
-0.15 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^3\) |
\(\mu_\pi^2(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\rho_D^3(1\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.17 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
Parameters of the ee -> ccbar scattering processes
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(R_{uds}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(N_\textrm{excl}\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(m_\textrm{eff}\) |
0.1 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(q_0(e^+e^-\to c\bar{c})\) |
0.1 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(e^+e^-, e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(e^+e^-, \mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(e^+e^-, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(e^+e^-, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(e^+e^-, D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(e^+e^-, D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi}, e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi}, \mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi}, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi}, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi}, D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi}, D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)}, e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)}, \mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)}, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)}, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)}, D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)}, D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)}, e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)}, \mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)}, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)}, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)}, D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)}, D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^0\bar{D}^0, e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^0\bar{D}^0, \mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^0\bar{D}^0, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^0\bar{D}^0, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^0\bar{D}^0, D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^0\bar{D}^0, D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^+D^-, e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^+D^-, \mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^+D^-, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^+D^-, \mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^+D^-, D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(c(D^+D^-, D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(J/\psi,e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(J/\psi,\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(J/\psi,\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(J/\psi,\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(J/\psi,D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(J/\psi,D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(2S),e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(2S),\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(2S),\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(2S),\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(2S),D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(2S),D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(3770),e^+e^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(3770),\mathrm{eff}_{J/\psi})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(3770),\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(2S)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(3770),\mathrm{eff}_{\psi(3770)})\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(3770),D^0\bar{D}^0)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(g^0(\psi(3770),D^+D^-)\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
Standard Model and Effective Field Theory Parameters
Standard Model Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\hbar\) |
6.58211928e-25 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\,\textrm{s}\) |
\(\sin^2(\theta_{\mathrm{GSW}})\) |
0.23116 |
\(1\) |
0.0072973525693 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\alpha_e(m_b)\) |
0.0075187969924812 |
\(1\) |
\(\alpha_e(m_c)\) |
0.00760641 |
\(1\) |
\(G_{F}\) |
1.1663787e-05 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^{-2}\) |
\(\mu^{b \to s}_{0c}\) |
80.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu^{b \to s}_{0t}\) |
120.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\alpha_s(M_Z)\) |
0.1184 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu_t\) |
170.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_b\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_c\) |
1.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\Lambda_\mathrm{QCD}\) |
0.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\left\langle \bar{s} s\right\rangle_{\mu=2\,\mathrm{GeV}}\) |
-0.0164566592 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^3\) |
\(\left\langle \frac{\alpha_s}{\pi} G^2\right\rangle\) |
0.012 |
\(1\) |
\(\left\langle \bar{q} g_s G q\right\rangle / \left\langle \bar{q} q\right\rangle\) |
0.89443 |
\(\textrm{GeV}^2\) |
\(\left\langle \bar{q} q\bar{q}q\right\rangle / \left\langle \bar{q}q\right\rangle^2\) |
0.55 |
\(1\) |
\(A_\mathrm{CKM}\) |
0.827 |
\(1\) |
\(\lambda_\mathrm{CKM}\) |
0.22535 |
\(1\) |
\(\bar{\rho}_\mathrm{CKM}\) |
0.132 |
\(1\) |
\(\bar{\eta}_\mathrm{CKM}\) |
0.35 |
\(1\) |
\(m_e\) |
0.000510999 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_\mu\) |
0.105658 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_\tau\) |
1.77682 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\overline{m}_u(2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0032 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\overline{m}_d(2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.0048 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\overline{m}_s(2\,\mathrm{GeV})\) |
0.095 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\overline{m}_c(\overline{m}_c)\) |
1.275 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\overline{m}_b(\overline{m}_b)\) |
4.18 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(m_t^{\mathrm{pole}}\) |
173.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(M_W\) |
80.385 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(M_Z\) |
91.1876 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
CKM Parameters w/o the Assumption of CKM Unitarity
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(|V_{ud}|\) |
0.9742714588182518 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{ud}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{us}|\) |
0.22534851424944366 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{us}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{ub}|\) |
0.003631275231633653 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{ub}}\) |
-1.210765774253535 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{cd}|\) |
0.2252036736908776 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{cd}}\) |
-3.140974982014205 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{cs}|\) |
0.9734061815416853 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{cs}}\) |
-3.304199362533668e-05 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{cb}|\) |
0.041996951916414726 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{cb}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{td}|\) |
0.008859564907130961 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{td}}\) |
-0.38266101019797305 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{ts}|\) |
0.04121212396309175 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{ts}}\) |
-3.1230250224697222 |
\(1\) |
\(|V_{tb}|\) |
0.9991111344469873 |
\(1\) |
\(\arg{V_{tb}}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\bar{s}b\bar{s}b\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}_0\) |
120.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{1}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.001313228 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{1}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{1^\prime}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{1^\prime}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{2}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{2}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{2^\prime}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{2^\prime}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{3}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{3}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{3^\prime}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{3^\prime}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{4}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{4}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Re}\,C_{5}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\textrm{Im}\,C_{5}^{\bar{s}b\bar{s}b}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
The list of parameters describing the \(\bar{s}b\bar{s}b\) Wilson coefficients. See the EOS manual for their physical definitions.
\(b\to s\left\lbrace \bar{q}q,\, \gamma,\, \ell^+\ell^-\right\rbrace\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{b \to s}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu^{b \to see}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu^{b \to s\mu\mu}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu^{b \to s\tau\tau}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_1\) |
-0.29063621 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_2\) |
1.01029623 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_3\) |
-0.0061622 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_4\) |
-0.08730376 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_5\) |
0.00042854 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_6\) |
0.00115807 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_7\) |
-0.33726473 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_7\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_8\) |
-0.18288898 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_9^{(e)}\) |
4.27342842 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_9^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{10}^{(e)}\) |
-4.16611761 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{10}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_9^{(\mu)}\) |
4.27342842 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_9^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{10}^{(\mu)}\) |
-4.16611761 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{10}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{7'}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{7'}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathcal{C}_{8'}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{9'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{9'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{10'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{10'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{9'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{9'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{10'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{10'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{S}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{S}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{S'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{S'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{P}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{P}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{P'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{P'}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{T}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{T}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{T5}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{T5}^{(e)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{S}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{S}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{S'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{S'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{P}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{P}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{P'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{P'}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{T}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{T}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}_{T5}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}_{T5}^{(\mu)}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
The list of parameters describing the \(b\to s \left\lbrace q\bar{q},\gamma,\ell^+\ell^-\right\rbrace\) Wilson coefficients. See the EOS manual for their physical definitions.
\(\bar{u}s\bar{\ell}\nu\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}\) |
1.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_L}\) |
1.009653 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{e}\nu_e}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}\) |
1.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_L}\) |
1.009653 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}\) |
1.5 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_L}\) |
1.009653 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}s\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
The list of parameters describing the Wilson coefficients of \(\bar{u}s\bar{\ell}\nu\) operators in the effective Lagrangian
The operators read:
\(\bar{c}b\bar{\ell}\nu\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{c}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
The list of parameters describing the Wilson coefficients of \(\bar{c}b\bar{\ell}\nu\) operators in the effective Lagrangian
The operators read:
\(\bar{u}b\bar{\ell}\nu\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{e}\nu_e}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\mu}\nu_\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{u}b\bar{\tau}\nu_\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
The list of parameters describing the Wilson coefficients of \(\bar{u}b\bar{\ell}\nu\) operators in the effective Lagrangian
The operators read:
\(\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_0^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}\) |
120.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{V_L}\) |
6.613114906357177 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{T_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{\nu}\nu}_{T_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
The list of parameters describing the \(\bar{s}b\bar{s}b\) Wilson coefficients in the effective Hamiltonian
The operators read:
\(\bar{s}b\bar{c}u\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_0^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}\) |
80.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{1}\) |
-0.041469 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{1}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{2}\) |
-0.899772 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{2}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{3}\) |
0.011126 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{3}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{4}\) |
0.194904 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{4}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{5}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{5}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{6}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{6}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{7}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{7}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{8}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{8}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{9}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{9}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{10}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{10}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{1\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{1\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{2\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{2\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{3\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{3\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{4\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{4\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{5\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{5\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{6\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{6\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{7\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{7\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{8\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{8\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{9\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{9\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{10\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}b\bar{c}u}_{10\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
The list of parameters describing the \(\bar{s}b\bar{c}u\) Wilson coefficients in the effective Hamiltonian
The operators read:
\(\bar{d}b\bar{c}u\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}\) |
4.2 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mu_0^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}\) |
80.0 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{1}\) |
-0.041469 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{1}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{2}\) |
-0.899772 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{2}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{3}\) |
0.011126 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{3}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{4}\) |
0.194904 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{4}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{5}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{5}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{6}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{6}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{7}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{7}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{8}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{8}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{9}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{9}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{10}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{10}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{1\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{1\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{2\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{2\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{3\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{3\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{4\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{4\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{5\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{5\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{6\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{6\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{7\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{7\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{8\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{8\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{9\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{9\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{10\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}b\bar{c}u}_{10\prime}\) |
0.0 |
\(\textrm{undefined}\) |
The list of parameters describing the \(\bar{d}b\bar{c}u\) Wilson coefficients in the effective Hamiltonian
The operators read:
\(\bar{s}c\bar{\nu}\ell\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}\) |
1.275 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}\) |
1.275 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}\) |
1.275 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
The list of parameters describing the Wilson coefficients of \(\bar{s}c\bar{\nu}\ell\) operators in the effective Lagrangian .. math:
= \frac{4 G_F}{\sqrt{2}} V_{cs}^* \sum_i \mathcal{C}^{\bar{s}c\bar{\nu}\ell}_i \mathcal{O}^{\bar{s}c\bar{\nu}\ell}_i\,.
The operators read:
\(\bar{d}c\bar{\nu}\ell\) WET Parameters
Qualified Name |
Representation |
Default Value |
Unit |
\(\mu^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}\) |
1.275 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_ee}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}\) |
1.275 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\mu\mu}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mu^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}\) |
1.275 |
\(\textrm{GeV}\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_L}\) |
1.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{V_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_L}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{S_R}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Re}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
\(\mathrm{Im}\, \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{nu}_\tau\tau}_{T}\) |
0.0 |
\(1\) |
The list of parameters describing the Wilson coefficients of \(\bar{d}c\bar{\nu}\ell\) operators in the effective Lagrangian .. math:
= \frac{4 G_F}{\sqrt{2}} V_{cd}^* \sum_i \mathcal{C}^{\bar{d}c\bar{\nu}\ell}_i \mathcal{O}^{\bar{d}c\bar{\nu}\ell}_i\,.
The operators read: